How did a rock create itself?

An evolutionist would say it evolved over millions of years.

How did a rock create itself?

An evolutionist would say it was formed after the big bang via billions of years.

How did a rock create itself?

He would indicate It was created via the big bang that was created from nothing.

How did a rock create itself?

Of course It just happened over billions of years.

How did a rock create itself?

It created itself over time in unseen magic ways.

How did a rock create itself?

You tell me, but leave out the billions of years timeline that doesn't explain my question of how did a rock create itself?

How did a rock create itself?

I can't wait billions of years for an answer.

How did a rock create itself?

Yes I know big rocks can become little rocks over time but I want to know how did a rock create itself?

How did a rock create itself?

There are many different types of rocks everywhere. Many different shapes, sizes and colors but how did a rock create itself?

How did a rock create itself?

You say pressure and time incubated elements to form rocks. I still want to know how you know this? Tell me about the "incubation" process of time. Explain this unseen "incubation" story that is in your imagination only. Millions/billions of years is NO explaination!

You must have "faith" in the billions of years timeline of  rock creation.

Your explanation of billions of years does not explain how a rock created itself. I still want to know how a rock created itself.

You say the big bang created the elements that then formed a rock over billions of years by accident.

What created the big bang?

A dust cloud or dust particles?

What created the laws of physics to create something before it was created by accident over billions of years? How does "natural selection" work here?

What keeps the laws of physics constant if they were created before the big bang that created itself that created self created rocks?

What created the dust particles?

So they just formed out of nothing by accident for no reason?

So help me understand the evolution/creation of a rock.

Dust particles from nothing formed by chance for no reason formed a rock over billions of years?

You want me to believe dust particles that formed from nothing created everything by accident for no reason?

So you say rocks formed before goo to you creation over billions of years?

It sounds like your creator is the billions of years timeline of science fiction imagination.

Stephen Hawking's wife said, Hawking did not believe in God because he could not fit God into a mathematical formula.

Hawking can and does always include millions or billions of years into his mathematical theories about the universe.

If you believe in evolution and the big bang you to must always include the mindless millions or billions of years into your belief that you evolved from nothing to explain what you can not explain.

The timeline of billions of years is an "intellectual" nonsense answer to where you came from.

Billions of years explains nothing. It just leaves the nothing explanation of creation of the universe up to you and you imagination.

What do you believe?

Today's Creation Moment  (

(Romans 1:20)   For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Psalm 19:1-3 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Rev 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

If you do question evolution theory and ask what happened during those millions of mystery years, their religion of evolution is exposed as a fraud because it is an EMPTY THEORY!

The evidence of creation designed by God is a problem for evolutionists/atheists because of  God's creations of complex designs that can't be explained by evolutionists/atheists except by the millions of years or goo to you magic time mix of evolution.

This is a vexing, perplexing, atheist enigma puzzle that evolutionists battle with when "explaining" goo to you evolution theories.

Do you believe that you evolved from a puddle of goo because it happened without an intelligent and skilful designer over the UNEXPLAINED timeline of millions of years?)   (Fine Tuned Universe Researcher Bill Rains)  Radio Spots

Fine Tuned Universe Designs (Creatues, Plants)

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