Genesis 2:1-2
2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Credit (Henry Morris Study Bible Notes) Search The Bible The Dr Henry Morris Study Bible (
2:1 finished. The strong emphasis in these verses on the completion of all of God's creating and making activity is a clear refutation of both ancient evolutionary pantheism and modern evolutionary materialism, which seek to explain the origin and development of all things in terms of natural processes and laws inate to the universe. Creation is complete, not continuing (except in miracles, of course; if evolution takes place at all, it would require continuing miraculous intervention in the present laws of nature.)
2:2 ended his work. This statement of completed creation anticipates the modern scientific laws of thermodynamics. The first law states essentially the same truth: the universe is not now being created but is being conserved, with neither matter nor energy being created or destroyed.
The second law states that all existing matter and energy is proceeding irreversibly toward ultimate equilibrium and cessation of all processes.
The eventiual death of the universe will occur over time as this process continues. The second law of thermodynamics proves that time (and therefore, the space/matter/time universe) had a beginning.
The universe must have been created, but the first law of thermodynamics precludes the possibility of its self-creation.
The only resolution of this dilemma posed by the first and second laws of thermodynamics is that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
The "big bang theory" of the origin of the cosmos, postulating a primeval explosion of the space/mass/time continuum at the start, beginning with a state of nothingness and then rapidly expanding into the present complex universe, contradicts both these basic laws and Scripture.
Also visit (Another website that refutes the lie of evolution creation.)
The Creation Answers Book
Click on book to read or click this link Creation Answers Book
20 Chapters (More than 60 of the most asked questions about Creation, evolution, and the book of Genesis answered!)
Chapter 1: Does God Exist? 
- Does God exist?
- Is there objective evidence that God exists?
- What are the consequences of atheism?
- Where did God come from? Can we know God personally?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 1
Chapter 2: Six days? Really? 
- Six days? Really?
- Are the days of creation ordinary days? Could they be long periods of time?
- Why six days? Is Genesis Poetry?
- Does the length of the days really affect the Gospel?
- How can there be ‘days’ without the sun on the first three days?
- Does Genesis 2 contradict Genesis 1?
- What about the framework hypothesis?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 2
Chapter 3: What about gap theories? 
- What about gap theories?
- What is the ruin-reconstruction theory?
- Is the ‘soft gap’ idea better?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 3
Chapter 4: What about carbon dating? 
- What about carbon dating?
- How does the carbon ‘clock’ work? Is it reliable?
- What does carbon dating really show?
- What about other radiometric dating methods?
- Is there evidence that the earth is young?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 4
Chapter 5: How can we see stars in a young universe? 
- How can we see distant stars in a young universe?
- If the universe is young and it takes millions of years for light to get to us from many stars, how can we see them?
- Did God create light in transit?
- Was the speed of light faster in the past?
- Does this have anything to do with the ‘big bang’?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 5
Chapter 6: How did ‘bad things’ come about? 
- How did ‘bad things’ come about?
- If God’s original creation was ‘very good’, why is ‘nature red in tooth and claw’ now?
- Did God create animals with defence-attack structures?
- Or were they re-designed after the Fall?
- Wouldn’t there be a population explosion if animals did not eat each other?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 6
Chapter 7: What about arguments for evolution? 
- What about arguments for evolution?
- Do similarities between creatures prove that they had a common ancestor (evolved)?
- Is human and chimp DNA very similar?
- Do human embryos go through animal stages as they develop?
- Do we have useless left-over bits of animals in us? What about ‘ape-men’?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 7
Chapter 8: Who was Cain’s wife? 
- Who was Cain’s wife?
- It is now not lawful to marry your sister. So if Adam and Eve were the only two people God created, how could their son Cain find a wife?
- How is this important to the Gospel?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 8
Chapter 9: Were the 'Sons of God' and/or nephilim extra-terrestrials? 
- Were the ‘sons of God’ and/or nephilim extra-terrestrials?
- Has Earth been visited by extra-terrestrials? Could life exist ‘out there’?
- What about UFOs and government cover-ups?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 9
Chapter 10: Was the Flood global? 
- Was the Flood global?
- Does it matter?
- Does the Bible say that Noah’s Flood covered the whole earth?
- Is there any evidence outside the Bible for such a Flood?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 10
Chapter 11: What about continental drift? 
- What about continental drift?
- Have the continents really moved apart?
- How could this relate to the Bible’s account of history?
- Could it have had something to do with the Flood?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 11
Chapter 12: Noah’s Flood—what about all that water? 
- Noah’s Flood—what about all that water?
- Where did all the water come from for the Flood?
- Was there a water vapour canopy?
- How was Mt Everest covered with water?
- Where did the water go after the Flood?
- How could this have happened?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 12
Chapter 13: How did the animals fit on Noah’s Ark? 
- How did the animals fit on Noah’s Ark?
- What animals went onto the Ark?
- Where did they store all the food?
- How could the Ark be big enough?
- What about all the animal wastes?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 13
Chapter 14: How did fresh and saltwater fish survive the flood? 
- How did freshwater and saltwater fish
survive the Flood?
- How did saltwater fish survive dilution of the seawater with freshwater, or how did freshwater types survive in saltwater?
- And how did plants survive?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 13 (continued)
Chapter 15: Where are all the human fossils? 
- Where are all the human fossils?
- Why are human fossils not found with trilobites, for example?
- If humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time, why aren’t their fossils found together?
- How could the Flood produce the order in the fossil record?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 14
Chapter 16: What about the Ice Age? 
- What about the Ice Age?
- How many ice ages were there?
- Where does an ice age fit into the biblical account?
- How much of the earth was covered by ice?
- How long did it last?
- What about the frozen mammoths?
- How were people affected?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 15
Chapter 17: How did the animals get to Australia? 
- How did animals get to Australia?
- How did the animals get from remote countries to the Ark?
- After the Flood, did kangaroos hop all the way to Australia?
- What did koalas eat on the way?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 16
Chapter 18: How did all the different ‘races’ arise? 
- How did all the different ‘races’ arise?
- What is a ‘race’? How did different skin colours come about?
- What are the consequences of false beliefs about ‘race’?
- Are black people the result of a curse on Ham?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 17
Chapter 19: What about dinosaurs? 
- What about dinosaurs?
- Was there an ‘age of dinosaurs’ long before people came on the scene?
- What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?
- What do dinosaur fossils tell us?
- How could so many huge dinosaurs fit on Noah’s Ark?
- What happened to the dinosaurs?
- See Study Guide, Lesson 18
Chapter 20: What can I do? 
Gen 1:1
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Some people accept evolution as fact despite the millions or billions of years explanation that is NO explanation of anything.
Gen 1:1 Explains Creation.
God created everything in six 24 hour days and rested on the 7th day.
Six 24 Hour Days Of Creation
Psalm 19:1-3
Psalm 19:1-3 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Refutes, disproves, discredits, invalidates, contradicts, rebuts, opposes and denies evolution theories that claim the universe was created from nothing or that the universe has evolved over millions or billions of years. Refutes, disproves, discredits, invalidates, contradicts, rebuts, opposes and denies evolution theories that claim the universe was created from nothing or that the universe has evolved over millions or billions of years. and are the same website.
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Evolution = Millions Of Years + Your Imagination