The Big Bang Never Happened (Former atheist engineer working on military space program explains why.) Seminar by Spike Psarris Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013. Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA.

We're told that our Universe formed in a Big Bang event, about 14 billion years ago. Science programs, textbooks, and other media claim that there's lots of evidence for this. But is this true? In this presentation, we'll examine the Big Bang theory. We'll see that it not only lacks solid evidence, it also contradicts several important laws of science. Overall we'll see that the Big Bang is not a good scientific model. Instead, it has all the characteristics of a religious belief system for atheists -- one that is believed in spite of the evidence, because the alternative (Biblical Creation) implies accountability to a Creator.

Energy To Mass Calculator

Young Earth - Young Universe (Former atheist engineer working on military space program explains why.) Seminar by Spike Psarris Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013. Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA

You probably know that the Bible describes a young Earth -- thousands of years old, not billions. You might even know some of the evidence for this. But what about the rest of the Universe? In this presentation, we'll briefly review some evidence for the Earth being young, not old. Then we'll continue out into our Solar System, and then out into the broader Universe, to see that it too has much evidence for youth -- in accordance with the Biblical account of Creation.

Our Solar System: Evidence of Creation (Former atheist engineer working on military space program explains why.) Seminar by Spike Psarris Seattle Creation Conference, July 2006.

This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope.

Creation Astronomy: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Former atheist engineer working on military space program explains why.) Seminar by Spike Psarris. Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Atonement Free Lutheran Church, Arlington, WA. November 22, 2013

We've all admired the beauty of the night sky. Secular astronomers claim that everything we see in it formed all by itself in a Big Bang event billions of years ago, with no Creator being involved. But the secular model fails to explain the origin of the heavenly bodies, nor the universe within which they exist. In this presentation, full of beautiful photographs and videos from NASA and other sources, you'll discover: - How planets, stars, and galaxies defy secular origins models. - How the Universe is consistent with the Creation model instead. - What the Universe reveals about our Creator.

Our Created Universe (Former atheist engineer working on military space program explains why.) Seminar by Spike Psarris Seattle Creation Conference, August 2007

Where did our Universe come from? Did it really form in a Big Bang, billions of years ago? No, it didn't. As you'll learn in this presentation, the Big Bang model violates fundamental laws of physics. Not only that, evolutionists themselves admit it could NOT produce the stars and galaxies we see today! In this presentation, you'll see stunning photographs of the wonders in our Cosmos. You'll learn that the evidence supports the Biblical model, and not the evolutionary model. You'll hear the evolutionists admit, in their own words, that according to their models stars and other objects should not exist. Discover what you're not being told about the Big Bang and our created Universe!

Defeating Atheism with Science. Seminar by Spike Psarris Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA. March 20, 2014

Many atheist evelotionary theroies disproven. No valid models proving anything except GOD created the heavens and earth. This seminar has many interesting facts about science that makes you think. E=mc², the meaning of this equation? The energy (e) of a mass to energy conversion equals the mass (m) that was converted multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared. Energy can be converted to matter and matter can be converted to energy but neither energy nor matter can be created except by the Lord God Almighthy

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Creator Saviour

Romans 1:20   For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Psalm 19:1-3 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)."

Creator Saviour

The Big Bang Never Happened (Flash Player)

North West Creation Network

big bang never happened